A contract manager, aimed at providing a hustle free contract construction, management and signing experience. It builds upon Gearbox-X like a plugin.

Updated 2023-10-29 06:46:31 +01:00

This is your first go to for an introduction to this space. Here you learn the structure of this place, its tools, the markdown to make nice pages, about how to choose a license, build a good wiki page, manage projects, handle issues and much more.

Updated 2023-10-27 06:37:10 +02:00

Paradise association needs an variety of applications to support its goal. Anyone that have read the association bylaws are welcome to make pull requests.

Updated 2023-10-26 04:12:15 +02:00

List of ideas with small descriptions for inspiration. If I start realizing an Idea, it will become a project with its own repository. If you are interested to know more about an idea, ask in the comments or in some of the forums I hang out in. If you want to engage in some of my ideas, please tell me. Or clone the repo and work with the texts and push it back as a commit

Updated 2023-10-26 02:51:07 +02:00

Paradisföreningens svenska stadga och direktiv 1. Förenings stadgan 2. Medlems direktiv 3.

Updated 2023-10-25 17:09:37 +02:00

The association need a program or a suite of programs that supports it's sociocratic governance system. Ultimately, a program, but to begin with a formalized manual describing the system and applications we use. The aim is to make it easy for new members to engage in the decision-making process of the association

Updated 2023-10-25 09:55:41 +02:00

Gearbox-X is an app to build and store and use json recipes to setup and use web services trough API.

Updated 2023-10-25 08:10:40 +02:00

This is a collection of Sociocracy resources, experiences from with in the association and our own found protocols for meetings as well as descriptions of our roles, circles and their connections.

Updated 2023-10-24 08:17:16 +02:00

The official documents of the Earthly Paradises startup association can be found here

Updated 2023-10-22 16:51:08 +02:00


Updated 2023-05-27 02:50:06 +02:00