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Dunkan Dunkel edited this page 2023-10-26 02:32:36 +02:00

Welcome to the Wiki. The association is the very core and engine of "the whole thing", but where things are done are in the association's all projects. They are as autonomous as they can be. The whole Association is run without central governance and is to be seen as a network with the core working as a facilitator for any and every activity that the association's members see fit. The rest all happenes in projects that are governed in circles that according to the sociocratic principles are in full and absolute authority over their sfere of influence.

In the core there is the board work the economic department, and schooling in project management, sociocracy and how the "system" works. We have an economic suport group to help projects start up, make economic plans and evaluations and so on. This is an advisory group, not a control organ. You as a member have full responsibility for your self. Your relation to the association is a juridic one. It's juridic structure ditermen the framework that stipulates what you can not do in the regiment of the association. The rest you can do. The framework also provides ways to get hands on means and resources. Small resources are not guarded, and the association see its activity as an investment in people. It have come to understand that if it wants to provide tool for how to learn to manage different seriously meant efforts and what it might mean to take responsibility, it is a way of learning and as such it will always need investments. To have a control system where some members are asigned to keep control on other people's activity and how they handle resources sounds so tiring and counterproductive. So there is a system for that! And for that and for that. Every time there is no system, we stop and build that what we miss. As building for a life in paradise is a great task, we build great systems. Me do not put our self under time constraint and construct half measures. So one of the projects is to build the structure of the association. This is something that needs to be done in the beginning of an systems life. If the system is built right it is both sturdy, industrius and dynamically modular enough that it easily adapt to changing demands. You can look through project definitions, and yearly reports here. If you are more interested in some project, you can either look through it's own repository here at sputnik or at their home site, or forum. Sputnik, that is the associations server and server management, provides many in-house tools for its members. As a member, you of course have Nextcloud and can start private repositories here. Projects have many options. They can use an open source project management software called Open Project, that also can share documents with one's own private Nextcloud account. In Nextcloud, there is collaborative editing in ether pad. Sputnik also have sip exchange server and a mumble server is on the coming.

I want to know how to start a project. I want to see a list over paradise association projects.

Merimade. Vagnen. Elen är lös. Krampunkt stockholm. Penunkulma. Hapate yrti kaupan maa ostos. vapa elemää.