2023-05-30 13:04:39 +02:00

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For people that by nature is wild and unruley it is most important to have a good system to support.
Idealy such system shall provide forms to effectivize and automate and highest working degerre colectivize repetative and boring tasks to leave time and energy free for creativity in tasks that are less boring and more match ones nature.
Some people like organisation more than others. That they do this is good but it is not good if they get more sway over the system than others. The system is there for to serve all.
A good system is also inviting to engage in and easy to understand. Idealy it is highly automated without sacrifise dynamicity or servicebility for other projects.
To build this system is an organisations initial task. Later commes building things that is made posible because of the investment in building the system.
To build the system that is a collection of desitions it is preferbal to have a good too for building it as well as a good easy tio understand base structure with clear terminology that invite all minds to be creative in the process.
Even the wild and unruly.
This is our aim. The very ruley already since long have systems, often strict and hirarkial.
This kind of system cant work for the unruly creative people.
So to build this suport system for us unruly that want to live in nature and survive better than alone we have set up this server and aim to construct functions for us to use here. Our association has been actively develoopped for many years but are still young. It has had victories and gains and problems and losses.
One thing that has stifled it's creativity is that it have not had it's own inhouse tools but relied on big sevice providers that do data collection. As an unruly type it is not inspiring to know that the intelectual property that your organisation actually is are being sifted for information. As unruly type it is likly that ther e will be conflicts about philosofical spaces as well as about cultural space. To be naked in that kind of situation is drastically deminish the creative drive. An organisation is a gathering of effort and is a centrum of power and will exactly as a person. and exactly as a person it needs it's integrity and privesy so that it can safly make plans for aims of gain and will without woorry of spionage. or sabotage.
Being a back to nature person has been very much bullied by both religious groups and government consisting of people that hasn't wanted any referenses to their agendsa of explotation of nature resourses and as such they have projected negatvity on to references that have not confirmed that choises as the only sane choises.
Because of this experiens and the falshood that has expired privecy are of importance even thou it seames that our over all aspirations all more start to sync with larger groups now in front of the obvious threts the explotation of the nayture has put us in fromnt of The neurose is real and dangerous.