gravrunrw() { if [ -d "$1" ]; then semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "$1"{tmp,cache,user/data,logs,images,assets}(/.*)? restorecon -R "$1" echo "SELinux context updated and recursively restored for '$1' " else echo "Usage like: gravrunrw " echo "Error! The directory does not exist." fi } /user---------------- user modifiied stuff install, config and update rw -- All including -------------- chcon -a System upgrade /vendor - important libraries that Grav relies on if containerized. /system - /bin ## --- system plugins update and install /user/themes - installed themes /user/plugins - installed plugins ## --- system tinkering /user/accounts - user accounts /user/config - user configurations /user/blueprints - user custom blueprints for the admin side /backup ## --- content editing /user/pages - content /user/languages - Translation overrides /user/images - uploaded images ## --- runtime rw gravrunrw() { sudo -u "@1" semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "@2"html/{tmp,cach$ } /user/data - stores plugin data like form data and other stuff /logs /images - on the fly sized /cache - if flat file temporary caching // no memcache or other /assets - processed js and css /tmp - Grav's and plugin's temp files Command Description bin/grav list Lists all commands available in Grav (excluding the GPM). bin/grav help Gives you help on a specific command. bin/grav new-project Used to create a new, clean Grav instance in a different folder. Can be run from an existing Grav install. bin/grav install This command installs any dependencies needed to run your current Grav install. bin/grav cache This command clears the cache of your Grav install. Options include: --all, --assets-only, --images-only, and --cache-only bin/grav backup Creates a zip backup of your current Grav site. bin/grav composer Updates manually-installed composer-based vendor packages. bin/grav security Runs through the configured XSS security checks on all Grav pages bin/gpm list Lists all commands available via Grav's GPM (Grav Package Manager) bin/gpm help Gives you help on a specific command. bin/gpm index Shows a list of all the available resources in the Grav repository, organized by themes and plugins. bin/gpm info Displays the details of the desired package, such as description, author, homepage, etc. bin/gpm install Installs a resource from the repository to your current Grav instance with a simple command. bin/gpm update Checks installed plugins and themes for available updates and lists them. bin/gpm uninstall Removes an installed theme or plugin and clears the cache. bin/gpm self-upgrade Enables you to update Grav to the latest version. bin/gpm logviewer Easily view Grav logs with configuration options to pick log file, number of lines, and verbosity bin/gpm scheduler Manage the scheduled jobs and manually run the scheduler process if required bin/gpm index \| grep '\| installed' Lists all plugins and themes you currently have installed.