An API communication assembler and client with an recipe storage.
The idea is to ensemble recipes that can set up and utilize different web services without having to interact with and learn to navigate their often complicated native web applications.
The tool should have the ability to be used to construct and test/debug recipes against APIs as well as upload them to a repository.
A user can download a recipe or a recipe chain and fill in credentials and push the GO button and have a useful system set up.
Setting up a free cgi website with cloudflare's free worker instances and dns functions using a small free shell account to link it to a back end storage on an encrypted container located on a google drive.
The whole thing is very complicated to figure out and setup, but could easily be achieved by having signed up to 3 acounts, downloaded their api tokens/keys and filled in a form.
This way free offerings could easy be utilized and setup to serve economically poor and technically less skilled people without strong digital infrastructure.
An other example could be to use a form to setup contracts against "official" contract repositories kept by trusted 3rd parties. contract models could be in form of recipes and also be signed digitaly by bank signing infrastructure or utilize cryptovaluta backed smart contracts for an escro like service or for making deposits to give weight to contracts. Rule for execution of parts of contracts can be programmed in as well as roles. All by using API rather than web forms.
Since this contracts could be uploaded into repositories with persistent records one could use trusted but not official third party roles like inspectors/triggerers etc, and still if something goes south be able to litigate in official courts. Extra storage for ev video or audio or images could be bought for the planed duration of the contract.
This would offer all the benefits of the stability contracting can bring to people that else, because of the price of lawyers, could not benefit from it.
This has the potential to prevent many situations where we get social wounds because of broken social and spoken agreements. It can be related to agreed upon philosophy in child rearing before engaging in getting children. or agreement of shared or specified duties in an engagement in common en-devour. It could even be a contract for engaging in different roles in an relationship to prevent later "picture" creating.
Often it needs just a little support or possibility to insight to make us people be better and to have the strength to keep to truth and our agreements.
Ultimately it could support cultural development in to more complex and fruitful areas that are not protected by tradition or normality.